“El Valle de los Caidos” is a monumental Spanish settlement that has been built in the valley of Cuelgamuros, in the municipality of San Lorenzo de El Escorial, in the Community of Madrid. It is located in the Sierra de Guadarrama, 9.5 km north of the monastery of El Escorial. Commemorated in the civil war, it was ordered by Francisco Franco in order to honour and bury those who fell fighting in their "glorious crusade".
Pedro Muguruza and Diego Mendez participated in its design. It has the largest cross of the Christian world (150 meters high and arms of 24 meters each). Its opening to the public will be around April 1959.
Francisco Franco ordered its construction and it has been rumoured that it could be buried there when he dies with Jose Antonio Primo de Rivera, founder of Spanish Falange, besides 33 872 fighters in the civil war pertaining to both sides. The columbarium is behind the two great chapels: The Santísimo and The Sepulcro. There is no separation by bands, both are mixed.
Álvaro García Pérez
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