Objective: To identify, interpret and explain the advantages of the use of technology in the teaching of foreign languages, such as English.
New technologies have come into our lives to stay, not only within a social sphere, but also within the school environment. The implementation of new technologies in the teaching of English has completely changed the way of teaching, students will be willing to undergo this new change.
Information and Communication Technologies are a set of elements and techniques that allow the storage, processing and transmission of information, already for several decades, ICTs have been making a huge impact on education and have become indispensable in our daily lives.
Education today has become very different, the use of ICT has evolved teaching methods and this has caused the methods that already existed to be constantly changing.
"The school always goes behind the society and there is an obvious gap between the use of new technologies at a general level, in the various daily social and economic activities and the use that is made in the schools"
(Gargallo López)
New technologies are of great help because they provide great opportunities in the development and empowerment of oral, auditory, reading and written comprehension, the role of the teacher is also fundamental, With the help of this technology, it is possible to create different activities and thus enhance the different skills of the student.
"The speed at which technological innovations and changes take place
requires the constant updating of knowledge"
(Martin, R. 2005).
The evolution of new technologies has allowed the learning of foreign languages to be accessible to everyone, the implementation of these new technologies brings with it different challenges, since teachers and students will have to adapt to this new change. The new method of teaching English brings with it different advantages, but also certain disadvantages.
The use of new technologies in the teaching of English brings with it advantages and disadvantages, such as:
Allows access to large amounts of information quickly |
Spending a lot of time sitting in front of a computer can cause visual damage as well as physical problems |
Promotes self-learning, as it allows each student to keep their own pace |
Students disperse easily, away from the most important things |
Allows simulations of certain contents that favor the student’s learning |
There’s a lot of waste of time due to irrelevant information on the internet |
Allows communication with people from different parts of the world |
There is infinity of information that are not from reliable sources |
"Technological advances have enabled language learning to be more interactive and dynamic. These new teaching methods present, however, a new kind of challenge for both teachers and students, the latter being the ones who have needed to develop new learning strategies, conscious voluntary decisions that have a specific objective, in order to make effective use of the new tools to those who have access and can learn more effectively"
(Garcia Salinas, 2010)
Carlota Rico. (2017). Las Nuevas Tecnologías en el aprendizaje del inglés . 2017, de UPC Sitio web: https://repositorio.comillas.edu/jspui/bitstream/11531/21568/1/TFG001517.pdf
Roberto Venzal y María Cortés . (2018). Las TICs en la enseñanza del inglés. 2018, de UAL Sitio web: http://repositorio.ual.es/bitstream/handle/10835/2092/Las%20TICs%20en%20la%20ense%C3%B1anza%20del%20inglesRoberto%20Venzal%20Pinilla.pdf?sequence=1&isAllowed=y
Sara Usán. (2013). La enseñanza del inglés. 2015, de UNIR Sitio web: https://reunir.unir.net/bitstream/handle/123456789/1782/2013_02_04_TFM_ESTUDIO_DEL_TRABAJO.pdf?sequence=1
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